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Bear With Me November 6, 2011

Posted by Charith in Uncategorized.

You know, because people like bears.

On a somewhat unrelated (yet quite connected if you’re a clever dumpling) note, I have a request of you, oh mysterious, invisible force. Will it make a difference whether you respond or not? Yes, because behind this plain font is young chap with trembling fingers and an easily influenced mind. For example, a lighthearted conversation with my mother today resulted in me agreeing to start taking piano lessons.

Story idea: finding the lost virginity. Yes or no?

– Deft

The Ambitious Simian November 6, 2011

Posted by Charith in Films, Observations.
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If I am monkey, the most yellow of bananas must be the love of my life. Although, a tailed primate must wonder – when that banana is found, what comes next? What does a monkey aspire to become?

Call me a monkey, call me a man. Actually, this could go against the stereotypical fibre of what it is to be a man, so scratch the second choice. The fishing trip will have to be postponed brothers, because this monkey is looking for an upgrade.

So self improvement isn’t the goal here.  Rather, what do you do when the world (as you know it) is not enough? Do you take to the tux like Pierce Brosnan and have a final showdown with the villain in a nuclear sub?

Another inspired conclusion is to cook. Yes folks, I just watched Julie & Julia. J&J – remove a fishing hook, input a ‘P’ with a dash of Vitamin B and you’ve got yourself a tasty sandwich filler.  Poor wit aside, the film was a bit interesting and even say it isn’t so surprising. By the end, I was left wondering what my ‘Julia’ is. Or who? Probably what, though. Honestly, considering that monkeys were my favourite animal as a boy, along with bats, it’s hard to think of something that a monkey would aspire to be.

You might say, “Don’t you mean it’s hard to think of someone..?” but let me throw out a net to catch you right there.  As everything in the wonderfully organised universe stands, it would be impossible to imagine that person. Let’s face it: humans have got issues while teenage boys have got tissues. Yes, I’m deep and I’ll be here all night, folks. People do things that they’re not proud of, which means that they have pride in the first place. It’s a strange mechanic that makes little sense to me, amongst the clutter of others. Take Julia – was she all she was meant to be and more? Well, depending on whether you’ve read the book or seen the movie, you tell me. I’m sure you know people light years ahead of me, though remember, I am but a simple monkey. I don’t need anything to be perfect because that’s not a path that a monkey should have to take.

Here’s my proposition: you, if you exist, come up with a suggestion for how I could better spend my time or just fill in the time that I waste now. You could even offer some kitchen ideas. The sheer possibilities!

Until that time, I will be attempting to enter the intimidating world of home cooking. No legs were pulled in the making of this production.

P.S. Everything shall be done whilst enjoying bananas.

cr: Bar Refaeli Tumblr

– Deft

With Arms Flailing November 6, 2011

Posted by Charith in Observations.
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Give it a little sugar, or some form of sweetener (natural beats artificial) because here on the grand interconnected webs we’re all neighbours.

Ever feel excited? No? You poor human. I’d like to say I can help, but I’m quite clumsy and it might just end with your terrible haircut and me sobbing in corner of a hot-air balloon (in that basket thing.) What I can do, however, is feel the thrill for you while you act it out.

Yes? Maybe? Don’t know?

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